Často kladené otázky
Ak nenájdete odpoveď na Vašu otázku, alebo Vaša otázka je príliš špecifická, alebo osobná, tak prosím neváhajte a kontaktuje nás na tel. č. +421 2 210 264 10, radi Vaše ďalšie otázky zodpovieme.
ENT, Orthopaedics, Sleep laboratory, Gynaceology, Surgery and Traumatology, Urology, Ophthalmology, Plastic surgery, Physiotherapy
Mediklinik Levice: +421 903 463 425
Mediklinik Most pri Bratislave: +421 915 547 097
You can also send us an email at info@mediklinik.sk, or contact us via social media. There is also a possibility to fill in the contact form on our website.
We offer a multilingual environment, communicating also in Hungarian, English, German, and Polish language.
Yes. We offer free parking right infront of our clinic.
Pre diskrétnu komunikáciu a pre zodpovedanie akýchkoľvek vašich otázok nás, prosím, kontaktujte:: Eva Tiszova - Hotline Mediklinik: Tel: PL: +48 694 911 232 | SK: +421 903 463 425
You can book an appointment for an exact date and time by phone or in person. Our doctor will examine you and offer all the possible treatments for your specific condition.
After the introductory examination with one of our doctors you can agree on the exact date for your surgery, usually between 1 week and 1 month from your initial examination.
Mediklinik Levice: a major part of the surgeries is covered by health insurance companies
VŠZP: our partner
Dôvera: our partner
Union: our partner
Mediklinik Most pri Bratislave:
VŠZP: we are in the process of negotiating with this health insurance company
Dôvera: individual request by every patient
Union: our partner
We offer pre-operative examinations to our patients on the day of their procedure right at our clinic.
The convalescence period lasts from 1 week to 1 month depending on the specific procedure.
We offer a hotel-like system at our clinic, where family members can be accommodated in one of our apartments.
After a consultation about your medical condition with our doctor, it is possible to combine more surgical procedures in one cycle.
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Yes. We offer multiple services such as individual exercises, group exercises, massages. More about our physiotherapy department on our webpage – Physiotherapy.
It is necessary to arrange a drive after being under general anasthesia. We do not recommend driving!
ENT – most common procedures
Endoscopic adenoidectomy – removal of adenoids
Tonsillectomy – removal of tonsils
Septoplasty - septum straightening
Somnoplasty – snoring surgery
Surgery for hearing improvement
Auriculoplasty – protruding ears correction
Rhinoplasty – nose surgery
Urology – most common procedures
Fimosis surgery – circumcison
Vasectomy – male sterilisation
Condyloma surgery – genital warts
Hydrocele surgery
Testicle surgery
Bladder stone surgery
Surgery – most common procedures
Hernia repair surgery
Laparoscopic gal bladder surgery
Haemorrhoid surgery – golden vein
Appendectomy – appendix surgery
Varix surgery – abnormally dilated blood vessels
Mole removal
Sacral dermoid surgery
Orthopaedics – most common procedures
Arthroscopic surgery of the ankle, shoulder, knee, elbow
Hallux valgus surgery – bunion surgery
Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery
Heel spur surgery
Dupuytren´s contracture surgery
Bent finger
Joint pain
Tendon reconstruction
Gynaecology – most common procedures
Termination of pregnancy – abortion
Female sterilisation
Conization of cervix
Removal of small formations from the external genitalia
Cystic ovaries surgery
Gynaecological examination under general anesthesia
Fibroid removal
Mediklinik Vám ponúka profesionálny, rýchly a diskrétny zákrok. Najväčší záujem personálu kliniky je vyjsť čo maximálne v ústrety klientom a vykonať vynikajúcu prácu. Garantujeme Vám, že Vás nikto nebude obťažovať zbytočnými otázkami. Vďaka príjemnému prostrediu a už povestnej ochote a ústretovosti personálu Mediklinik sa budete v tejto neľahkej situácii cítiť ako u priateľov.
Viac informácií kliknite TU.
Sterilizácia patrí medzi antikoncepčné metódy a je vhodnou alternatívou pre ženy ktoré už v budúcnosti neplánujú tehotenstvo. Ženská sterilizácia je lekársky výkon, ktorý zbaví ženu plodnosti, pričom jej vaječníky nie sú ani odstránené, ani poškodené.
Viac informácií kliknite TU.